Culebra Divers is a proud supporter of Friends of Culebra Animals (FCA). We sell FCA merchandise in our shop, gather donations, participate in TNRs (trap and release programs designed to sterilize feral animals), and help maintain cat feeding stations on the island. These stations allow for us to not only feed the stray cats, but allow us catch them if they are sick, injured, or need to be sterilized.
How Can you Help?
Want to be part of the FCA Travel Support Team? We are looking for volunteers who are willing to assist us in transporting dogs and cats (usually puppies and kittens) from Culebra to the States to their forever homes. FCA will provide the in-flight approved pet carrier, all necessary travel documents, and needed travel materials. You enjoy the ride and an FCA representative will meet you upon landing to receive the animal. FCA pays all the animal transport costs; you provide the travel love.
If you are a frequent traveler to Culebra, this could be for you! Please email [email protected] to be added to our list. We’ll need your name, phone number, and preferred airport as well as any other pertinent details you’d like to add (you always travel a particular month, you make visits to Culebra every few weeks, if there is more than one potential transporter in your party, etc). We will send a message out to our team members when we have animals needing assistance!
There is a lot of coordination required to make travel possible so please, a firm commitment to transporting an animal is required once you have agreed to help. The animal will go underneath the seat in front of you and any in-cabin pets have to be added to your personal reservation in advance. For those flying out of Culebra: Cape Air does not allow pets so we cannot add animals to those flights.
Good samaritans who help us transport pets off the island will receive 10% off their bill!
More Information:
Find FCA on Facebook, Instagram, and online. Other ways you can help FCA: you can find the FCA Amazon wish list or Donate Now with Paypal!